On May 19, 2016 while the WooFPAK was chasing around on the lure course, WooFDriver saw this beautiful Eastern Bluebird(Sialia sialis)! You can find Eastern Bluebirds perched on telephone wires, fence posts, and low branches looking for insects on the ground. They are drawn to the safety of nest boxes but will also use old woodpecker holes to roost.
All About Birds Website to learn more about Bluebirds
On February 15, 2016 after the snow stopped falling the WooFDriver observed many birds at his feeders. This one is the White Throated Sparrow who you can find in the winter by the edges of wooded lots, thickets, overgrown fields, backyards and parks. Often in flocks, they stay near the ground to scratch through leaves in search of food. There are two color varieties of this Sparrow the White-Crowned and the Tan-Crowned. The White Crowned are thought to be more aggressive than their Tan-Crowned counterparts.
All About Birds Website to learn more about this bird
On January 7, 2016 while out on a Mushing adventure of C&O Towpath in the area of Cohill, Maryland, the WooFDriver came upon this woodpecker. He was hunting in this tree for a snack! They are known to eat insects and spiders, as well as, acorns, nuts, pine cones and seeds. They even occasionally will eat lizards, nestling birds and minnows.
All About Birds Website to learn more about this woodpecker
WooFDriver has captured these Black Capped Chickadees(Poecile Atricapillus) while watching for wildlife! This little bird hides its food to eat at a later time. They can remember thousands of hiding spots where their food is stored. I was amazed to learn that every fall they allow brain neurons containing old information to die so they can later be replaced by new neurons so they can adapt to changes within their flocks and environments!
All About Birds Website to learn more about this little bird
Enjoy these photos of Chickadees that the WooFDriver has taken!
Nature lives at the WooFDriver’s home too! The Tufted Titmouse(Baeolophus bicolor) is a frequent visitor to his feeder as they are common in the eastern forest areas under 2000 feet elevation. Their large black eyes give them their name as they resemble a mouse’s eyes. They have a pointed crest on top their heads and a stout bill making it easy to identify them even in silhouette. They are very agile flying through the tree canopy, hanging from the end of twigs and dropping into feeders. They can be seen feeding with chickadees, nuthatches and woodpeckers.
All About Birds Website to learn more about this bird
WooFDriver was able to capture photos of these beautiful White Breasted Nuthatches(Sitta Carolinensis) while watching for wildlife! They are very agile, hopping along tree trunks and large branches looking for beetles, tree hoppers, scale insects, ants, fly larvae, caterpillars, spiders and stinkbugs! They use their straight and pointed bills to probe into the tree’s bark to forage. You can find them at the edges of woodlands and in open areas with large trees.
All About Birds Website to learn more about this bird
Enjoy this photo album of these Nuthatches that WooFDriver has captured!
On August 18, 2015 the WooFDriver took the WooFPAK for a Free Ranging adventure on the Big Farm. Here they saw a flock of Crows(Corvus brachyrhynchos) chasing a Hawk! They are aggressive and are known to chase away larger birds like hawks, owls and herons! Their flocks can reach counts in the millions and are year round residents of most of the USA.
All About Birds Website to learn more
Enjoy this photo album of the Crows the WooFDriver captured!
On December 17, 2015 while Mushing the WooFPAK on the Barnum Trail in West Virginia, the WooFDriver came across this beautiful woodpecker! I believe it to be a Pileated Woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus) due to its size being almost the size of a crow and colors of black with white stripes down the neck and a bright red crest on its head. These woodpeckers are common in North America and primary food is carpenter ants found in dead trees.
All About Bird’s Webpage to learn more about the Pileated Woodpecker.
Enjoy the video footage from this sighting!
While the WooFPAK was Free Range running the fields of the farm, the WooFDriver captured a photo of this Rock Pigeon(Columba livi)on July 11, 2014. Maybe disturbed by the PAK’s wild antics? These adaptable birds can live anywhere from crowded city streets to natural rock cliffs. In the early 1600’s they were introduced to North America from Europe. It was interesting to learn that there can be different color and wing pattern variations within the same flock.
All About Birds Website to learn more about this bird
Enjoy this album of Rock Pigeons the WooFDriver has captured on his many adventures!
On February 19, 2015 the WooFDriver went on a Mushing Tour of the C&O Canal Towpath with the WooFPAK. As they rolled by he was able to capture a picture of these, what appear to be, Wood Ducks(Aix sponsa) perched in a tree. Wood ducks prefer the habitats of wooded swamps and freshwater marshes. Females nest in tree cavities laying an average of 12 eggs!
www.ducks.org to learn more about Wood Ducks