December 4, 2015

Early 1862


After Stonewall Jackson made one of his earliest attacks
Facing two regiments of men who were untried
The fighting was shallow, not much to take note
But afterwards the Union need lodging or many would have died.

It did not take long for a new brigade to come to their aid.
Hancock, Maryland was left in one piece
But now the problem was one of space.
By March many of the soldiers had fevers that would not decrease.

The solution devised to get them to care
Was to use the canal as an easier trip
To get them to Hagerstown
Hoping it would be easy to give the Confederates the slip.

This is where the people did what they could
To help get the soldiers to their destination.
The roads were too rough and caused far to much jostling
But they would have chosen it over the boat without hesitation.

For the only boat available to use to transport them
Was one that was usually used to move coal down the line.
Seven men died trying to reach the hospital
And others ever after remembered the suffering when they were once again fine.


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