October 21, 2015

Mystery Cat


Cat-cattextYou NEVER know what we will run into…!! We saw this CAT while Midnight MUSHing around The Mount Savage Area in The Mountains of Maryland! This was filmed in almost total darkness at night using special IR (Infra-Red) Lights and a High Tech camera that is able to see in Infra Red Lighting! This was a most memorable WooFDriver Midnight MUSHing Run because we got caught in the foggiest conditions we have ever Adventured in and the WooFPAK helped guide us through! Canine & Mankind the Team!!



Posted in: Mystery
October 19, 2015

Growth on Tree


20141120_November 20, 2014 the WooFPAK was on a mushing tour of the C&O Tow Path when the WooFDriver noticed this growth on the side of the tree. It appears to me to look a lot like the sealant spray foam(when expanded). I’ve seen it on many trees, but can not figure out what it is.

Posted in: Mystery
October 19, 2015



mushrooms-on-a-tree-textOn July 21, 2012 hiking the Appalachian Trail with the WooFPAK and crew. WooFDriver came across these red mushrooms growing on the sides of the trees. We are still trying to search for what kind of mushroom they can be, do you know?

Posted in: Mystery
October 19, 2015



April 12, 2013 the WooFDriver captured this frog while Free Ranging the WooFPAK. Can you identify of what subspecies it could be?

Posted in: Mystery
October 19, 2015



i-am-heading-into-an-alfred-August 12, 2013 while Free Ranging the WooFPAK it appeared that the WooFDriver was going to be in the next Alfred Hitchcock movie!! What kind of birds do you think these can be?





Posted in: Mystery